St Mark's students are a RRRoaring success! At last week's assembly the new school rules and catch phrase were launched: St Mark's is RRRoaring!!! The new school rules are: Show Respect, Build positive Relationships, and Act Responsibly and safely. When St Mark's RRRoars, we follow these rules and make St Mark's great! We will be on the lookout for students who are rrroaring at St Mark's. Keep an eye out for the Markus Award coming home with your children for a job well done! Children who receive this award each week will be in the draw for an ice-block on Fridays and then in the major draw at the end of each term. St Mark, the great evangelist and gospel writer and our school saint, had the lion as his symbol. Each family will receive a copy of our school rules which we hope you use as a conversation starter!
![relationships poster.jpg](/news-and-events/SiteAssets/Pages/St-Mark%27s-RRRoars!/relationships%20poster.jpg)
![respect poster.jpg](/news-and-events/SiteAssets/Pages/St-Mark%27s-RRRoars!/respect%20poster.jpg)
![responsibility poster.jpg](/news-and-events/SiteAssets/Pages/St-Mark%27s-RRRoars!/responsibility%20poster.jpg)
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Mark's Catholic Primary School (2023)